这款jQuery手风琴插件中使用了一个jQuery鼠标滚轮插件jQuery Mousewheel Plugin,这个插件使我们可以用鼠标滚动来浏览手风琴效果。
<div id="va-accordion" class="va-container"> <div class="va-nav"> <span class="va-nav-prev">Previous</span> <span class="va-nav-next">Next</span> </div> <div class="va-wrapper"> <div class="va-slice va-slice-1"> <h3 class="va-title">Marketing</h3> <div class="va-content"> <p>Henry Watson</p> <ul> <li><a href="#">About</a></li> <li><a href="#">Portfolio</a></li> <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="va-slice va-slice-2"> ... </div> </div> </div>
$('#va-accordion').vaccordion({ expandedHeight : 350, animSpeed : 400, animOpacity : 0.7, visibleSlices : 2 });
// the accordion's width accordionW : 1000, // the accordion's height accordionH : 450, // number of visible slices visibleSlices : 3, // the height of a opened slice // should not be more than accordionH expandedHeight : 350, // speed when opening / closing a slice animSpeed : 250, // easing when opening / closing a slice animEasing : 'jswing', // opacity value for the collapsed slices animOpacity : 0.2, // time to fade in the slice's content contentAnimSpeed: 900, // if this is set to false, // we collapse any opened slice // before sliding savePositions : true
$('#va-accordion').vaccordion({ accordionW : $(window).width(), accordionH : $(window).height(), visibleSlices : 5, expandedHeight : 450, animOpacity : 0.1, contentAnimSpeed: 100 });