<a class="cd-nav-trigger cd-img-replace">Open navigation</a> <nav id="cd-vertical-nav" > <ul> <li> <a href="#section1" data-number="1"> <span class="cd-dot"></span> <span class="cd-label">Item 1</span> </a> </li> <!-- other navigation items here--> </ul> </nav> <section id="section1" class="cd-section"> <!-- content here --> </section> <section id="section2" class="cd-section"> <!-- content here --> </section> <!-- other sections here -->
我们使用 Modernizr (.touch和.no-touch)来检测触摸和非触摸设备,并提供两个自定义的导航方法。因此,你在大屏幕上不论如何缩小浏览器,看到的都是小点导航按钮,但是如果触摸屏设备来查看这个demo,你会看到下图所示的样子:
在非触摸屏的设备上,我们将trigger隐藏,并给<nav>元素设置position: fixed。
.no-touch #cd-vertical-nav { /*fix the navigation*/ position: fixed; right: 40px; top: 50%; bottom: auto; transform: translateY(-50%); } .no-touch #cd-vertical-nav a span { float: right; /*scale down navigation dots and labels*/ transform: scale(0.6); } .no-touch #cd-vertical-nav .cd-dot { transform-origin: 50% 50%; } .no-touch #cd-vertical-nav .cd-label { transform-origin: 100% 50%; } .no-touch #vertical-nav a:hover span { /*scale up navigation dots and labels*/ transform: scale(1); } .no-touch #cd-vertical-nav a:hover .cd-label { /*show labels*/ opacity: 1; }
在移动触摸设备上,我们为.cd-nav-trigger和<nav>设置position: fixed。
当用户点击了.cd-nav-trigger元素,我们给导航菜单添加.open类,用来改变CSS3 scale的值从0变到1,并通过CSS3 transition使动画更加平滑。
.touch #cd-vertical-nav { position: fixed; z-index: 1; right: 5%; bottom: 30px; width: 90%; max-width: 400px; max-height: 90%; transform: scale(0); transition-property: transform; transition-duration: 0.2s; } .touch #cd-vertical-nav.open { transform: scale(1); }
jQuery(document).ready(function($){ var contentSections = $('.cd-section'), navigationItems = $('#cd-vertical-nav a'); updateNavigation(); $(window).on('scroll', function(){ updateNavigation(); }); //smooth scroll to the section navigationItems.on('click', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); smoothScroll($(this.hash)); }); //smooth scroll to second section $('.cd-scroll-down').on('click', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); smoothScroll($(this.hash)); }); //open-close navigation on touch devices $('.touch .cd-nav-trigger').on('click', function(){ $('.touch #cd-vertical-nav').toggleClass('open'); }); //close navigation on touch devices when selectin an elemnt from the list $('.touch #cd-vertical-nav a').on('click', function(){ $('.touch #cd-vertical-nav').removeClass('open'); }); function updateNavigation() { contentSections.each(function(){ $this = $(this); var activeSection = $('#cd-vertical-nav a[href="#'+$this.attr('id')+'"]').data('number') - 1; if ( ( $this.offset().top - $(window).height()/2 < $(window).scrolltop()="" )="" &&="" (="" $this.offset().top="" +="" $this.height()="" -="" $(window).height()/2=""> $(window).scrollTop() ) ) { navigationItems.eq(activeSection).addClass('is-selected'); }else { navigationItems.eq(activeSection).removeClass('is-selected'); } }); } function smoothScroll(target) { $('body,html').animate( {'scrollTop':target.offset().top}, 600 ); } });