
这是一款非常实用的jQuery和css3自动轮换的用户评论留言插件。该用户评论插件通过进度条来控制用户评论显示的时间,当进度条到达100%时,该插件自动播放下一条用户留言。该插件同样通过media query媒体查询来处理各种屏幕的响应式问题。


<div id="cbp-qtrotator" class="cbp-qtrotator">
  <div class="cbp-qtcontent">
    <img src="images/1.jpg" alt="img01" />
      <p>People eat meat and think they will become as strong as an ox, forgetting that the ox eats grass.</p>
      <footer>Pino Caruso</footer>
  <div class="cbp-qtcontent">
    <!-- ... -->
  <div class="cbp-qtcontent">
    <!-- ... -->
  <div class="cbp-qtcontent">
    <!-- ... -->



.cbp-qtrotator {
  position: relative;
  margin: 3em auto 5em auto;
  max-width: 800px;
  width: 100%;
  min-height: 400px;

.cbp-qtrotator .cbp-qtcontent {
  position: absolute;
  min-height: 200px;
  border-top: 1px solid #f4f4f4;
  border-bottom: 1px solid #f4f4f4;
  padding: 2em 0;
  top: 0;
  z-index: 0;
  opacity: 0;
  width: 100%;

.no-js .cbp-qtrotator .cbp-qtcontent {
  border-bottom: none;

/* Currently visible */
.cbp-qtrotator .cbp-qtcontent.cbp-qtcurrent,
.no-js .cbp-qtrotator .cbp-qtcontent {
  position: relative; 
  z-index: 100;
  pointer-events: auto;
  opacity: 1;

.cbp-qtrotator .cbp-qtcontent:before,
.cbp-qtrotator .cbp-qtcontent:after {
  content: " ";
  display: table;

.cbp-qtrotator .cbp-qtcontent:after {
  clear: both;

.cbp-qtprogress {
  position: absolute;
  background: #47a3da;
  height: 1px;
  width: 0%;
  top: 0;
  z-index: 1000;

.cbp-qtrotator blockquote {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

.cbp-qtrotator blockquote p {
  font-size: 2em;
  color: #888;
  font-weight: 300;
  margin: 0.4em 0 1em;

.cbp-qtrotator blockquote footer {
  font-size: 1.2em;

.cbp-qtrotator blockquote footer:before {
  content: '? ';

.cbp-qtrotator .cbp-qtcontent img {
  float: right;
  margin-left: 3em;

/* Example for media query */
@media screen and (max-width: 30.6em) { 

  .cbp-qtrotator {
    font-size: 70%;

  .cbp-qtrotator img {
    width: 80px;




  • speed:CSS动画过渡的时间,单位毫秒,默认值为700ms。
  • easing:CSS动画的类型,默认值为easing。
  • interval:进度条每次从0走到100%的时间(用户评论显示的时间)。单位毫秒,默认值为8000ms。


;( function( $, window, undefined ) {
  'use strict';
  // global
  var Modernizr = window.Modernizr;
  $.CBPQTRotator = function( options, element ) {
    this.$el = $( element );
    this._init( options );

  // the options
  $.CBPQTRotator.defaults = {
    // default transition speed (ms)
    speed : 700,
    // default transition easing
    easing : 'ease',
    // rotator interval (ms)
    interval : 8000

  $.CBPQTRotator.prototype = {
    _init : function( options ) {

      // options
      this.options = $.extend( true, {}, $.CBPQTRotator.defaults, options );
      // cache some elements and initialize some variables
      // show current item
      this.$items.eq( this.current ).addClass( 'cbp-qtcurrent' );
      // set the transition to the items
      if( this.support ) {
      // start rotating the items

    _config : function() {

      // the content items
      this.$items = this.$el.children( 'div.cbp-qtcontent' );
      // total items
      this.itemsCount = this.$items.length;
      // current item′s index
      this.current = 0;
      // support for CSS Transitions
      this.support = Modernizr.csstransitions;
      // add the progress bar
      if( this.support ) {
        this.$progress = $( '' ).appendTo( this.$el );

    _setTransition : function() {
      setTimeout( $.proxy( function() {
        this.$items.css( 'transition', 'opacity ' + this.options.speed + 'ms ' + this.options.easing );
      }, this ), 25 );
    _startRotator: function() {

      if( this.support ) {

      setTimeout( $.proxy( function() {
        if( this.support ) {
      }, this ), this.options.interval );

    _next : function() {

      // hide previous item
      this.$items.eq( this.current ).removeClass( 'cbp-qtcurrent' );
      // update current value
      this.current = this.current < this.itemscount="" -="" 1="" this.current="" +="" 1="" :="" 0;="" show="" next="" item="" this.$items.eq(="" this.current="" ).addclass('cbp-qtcurrent');="" },="" _startprogress="" :="" function()="" {="" settimeout(="" $.proxy(="" function()="" {="" this.$progress.css(="" {="" transition="" :="" 'width="" '="" +="" this.options.interval="" +="" 'ms="" linear',="" width="" :="" '100%'="" }="" );="" },="" this="" ),="" 25="" );="" },="" _resetprogress="" :="" function()="" {="" this.$progress.css(="" {="" transition="" :="" 'none',="" width="" :="" '0%'="" }="" );="" },="" destroy="" :="" function()="" {="" if(="" this.support="" )="" {="" this.$items.css(="" 'transition',="" 'none'="" );="" this.$progress.remove();="" }="" this.$items.removeclass(="" 'cbp-qtcurrent'="" ).css(="" {="" 'position'="" :="" 'relative',="" 'z-index'="" :="" 100,="" 'pointer-events'="" :="" 'auto',="" 'opacity'="" :="" 1="" }="" );="" }="" };="" var="" logerror="function(" message="" )="" {="" if="" (="" window.console="" )="" {="" window.console.error(="" message="" );="" }="" };="" $.fn.cbpqtrotator="function(" options="" )="" {="" if="" (="" typeof="" options="==" 'string'="" )="" {="" var="" args="Array.prototype.slice.call(" arguments,="" 1="" );="" this.each(function()="" {="" var="" instance="$.data(" this,="" 'cbpqtrotator'="" );="" if="" (="" !instance="" )="" {="" logerror(="" "cannot="" call="" methods="" on="" cbpqtrotator="" prior="" to="" initialization;="" "="" +="" "attempted="" to="" call="" method="" '"="" +="" options="" +="" "'"="" );="" return;="" }="" if="" (="" !$.isfunction(="" instance[options]="" )="" ||="" options.charat(0)="==" "_"="" )="" {="" logerror(="" "no="" such="" method="" '"="" +="" options="" +="" "'="" for="" cbpqtrotator="" instance"="" );="" return;="" }="" instance[="" options="" ].apply(="" instance,="" args="" );="" });="" }="" else="" {="" this.each(function()="" {="" var="" instance="$.data(" this,="" 'cbpqtrotator'="" );="" if="" (="" instance="" )="" {="" instance._init();="" }="" else="" {="" instance="$.data(" this,="" 'cbpqtrotator',="" new="" $.cbpqtrotator(="" options,="" this="" )="" );="" }="" });="" }="" return="" this;="" };="" }="" )(="" jquery,="" window="" );="">

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