
tinyColorPicker是一款适合移动设备的小巧jQuery颜色拾取器。该jQuery颜色拾取器以移动手机为优先对象,它具有速度快、可扩展、高度灵活和可插拔等特点。该jQuery颜色拾取器大小仅4.7K,纯js,不需要图片和css代码。它基于colors.js制作而成,支持所有现代特性,如触摸屏和MS pointer。它使用GPU加速,使用requestanimationframe函数时电池工作时间更长(现代的桌面浏览器提供了requestanimationframe这一函数,基于性能和电池工作时间原因,这是一个更好的选择。),还为开发者提供了大量的hooks用于开发。

该jQuery颜色拾取器支持rgb, hsv(b), hsl, HEX几种颜色模式。



<script type="text/javascript" src="jqColorPicker.min.js">
<script type="text/javascript">
    $('.color').colorPicker(); // that's it


Colors({ // all options have a default value...
    color: 'rgba(204, 82, 37, 0.8)', // initial color (#RGB, RGB, #RRGGBB, RRGGBB, rgb(r, g, b), ...)
    grey: {r: 0.298954, g: 0.586434, b: 0.114612}, // CIE-XYZ 1931
    luminance: {r: 0.2126, g: 0.7152, b: 0.0722}, // W3C 2.0
    valueRanges: {rgb: {r: [0, 255], g: [0, 255], b: [0, 255]}, hsv:...}, // skip ranges if no conversion required
    customBG: '#808080' // the solid bgColor behind the chosen bgColor (saved color)
    convertCallback: function(colors, type){}, // callback function after color convertion for further calculations...


    color: ..., // see Colors...
    customBG: '#FFF' // see Colors...
    animationSpeed: 150, // toggle animation speed
    GPU: true, // use transform: translate3d
    doRender: true, // manipulate color ans bgColor of input field
    opacity: true, // enable / disable alpha slider
    renderCallback: function($elm, toggled) {}, // this === instance; $elm: the input field;toggle === true -> just appeared; false -> opposite; else -> is rendering on pointer move
    buidCallback: function($elm) {}, // this === instance; $elm: the UI
    css: '', // replaces existing css
    cssAddon: '', // adds css to existing
    margin: '', // positioning margin (can also be set in cssAddon)
    scrollResize: true // toggle for reposition colorPicker on window.resize/scroll
    gap: 4 // gap to right and bottom edge of view port if repositioned to fit
    preventFocus: false // prevents default on focus of input fields,
    body: document.body // the element where the events are attached to (touchstart, mousedown, pointerdown, focus, click, change)



myColors: {
    colors: { all kinds of color values...  see later},
    options: { all the options you set or that are set as default... },
    __proto__: { // all methods Color uses
        setColor: function(newCol, type, alpha) {},
        setCustomBackground: function(col) {},
        saveAsBackground: function() {},

colors.js在颜色转换和计算方面是相当方便的工具,它可以计算背景和前景之间的混合颜色,并使计算结果具有可读性(标准的WCAG 2.0格式)。

myColorPicker: {
    $trigger: ... // jQuery object of active trigger or null if none active
    color: { // instance of Color inside colorPicker
        colors: { all kinds of color values... see later},
        options: { all the options you set or that are set as default... },
        __proto__: { all methods Color uses ... see above}
    __proto__: { // all methods ColorPicker uses
        render: function() {},
        toggle: function(openClose) {} // openClose: true = open; false = close
HEX: // current color as HEX (upper case, 6 digits)
rgb: // current RGB color as normalized values (0 - 1)
    r: // red
    g: // green
    b: // blue
hsv: // current color values in normalized HSV (HSB) model
    h: // hue
    s: // saturation
    v: // value (brightness)
hsl: // current color values in normalized HSL model
    h: // hue
    s: // saturation
    l: // lightness
RND: // all above colors in their defined ranges
    rgb: // current RGB color, rounded between 0 and 255
        r: // red (0 - 255)
        g: // green (0 - 255)
        b: // blue (0 - 255)
    hsv: // see above
        h: // hue (0 - 360 degrees)
        s: // saturation (0 - 100 %)
        v: // value (brightness) (0 - 100 %)
    hsl: // see above
        h: // hue (0 - 360 degrees)
        s: // saturation (0 - 100 %)
        l: // lightness (0 - 100 %)
background: // saved (background) color (saveAsBackground(){})
    rgb: // color in RGB model
        r: // red
        g: // green
        b: // blue
    RGB: // RGB color, rounded between 0 and 255
        r: // red (0 - 255)
        g: // green (0 - 255)
        b: // blue (0 - 255)
    alpha: // alpha or opacity value (0 - 1)
    equivalentGrey: // r = g = b = (0 - 255)
    rgbaMixBlack: // saved (background) color mixed with solid black color
        r: // red
        g: // green
        b: // blue
        a: // resulting alpha or opacity value (0 - 1)
        luminance: // luminance of resulting mix (0 - 1)
    rgbaMixCustom: // saved (background) color mixed with custom (solid) color
        r: // red
        g: // green
        b: // blue
        a: // resulting alpha or opacity value (0 - 1)
        luminance: // luminance of resulting mix (0 - 1)
    rgbaMixWhite: // saved (background) color mixed with solid white color
        r: // red
        g: // green
        b: // blue
        a: // resulting alpha or opacity value (0 - 1)
        luminance: // luminance of resulting mix (0 - 1)
alpha: // alpha or opacity value (0 - 1) of current color
equivalentGrey: // r = g = b = (0 - 1)
HUELuminance: // luminance of hue (in full brightnes and saturation) (0 - 1)
RGBLuminance: // luminance of the current color
hueRGB: // rounded integer value of current color in rgb model with full saturation and brightness
    r: // red (0 - 255)
    g: // green (0 - 255)
    b: // blue (0 - 255)
saveColor: // '' or 'web smart' or 'web save', if so.
webSave: // closest web-save color
    r: // red (0 - 255)
    g: // green (0 - 255)
    b: // blue (0 - 255)
webSmart: // closest web-smart color
    r: // red (0 - 255)
    g: // green (0 - 255)
    b: // blue (0 - 255)
rgbaMixBG: // color mix result: current color above saved (background) color
    r: // red (0 - 1)
    g: // green (0 - 1)
    b: // blue (0 - 1)
    a: // resulting alpha or opacity value (0 - 1)
    luminance: // luminance of resulting mix (0 - 1)
rgbaMixBGMixCustom: // color mix result: current color above saved (background) color above solid custom color
    r: // red (0 - 1)
    g: // green (0 - 1)
    b: // blue (0 - 1)
    a: // resulting alpha or opacity value (0 - 1)
    luminance: // luminance of resulting mix (0 - 1)
    luminanceDelta: // luminance difference between current color and resulting saved-custom mix (0 - 1)
    hueDelta: // hue difference between current color and resulting saved-custom mix (0 - 1)
    WCAG2Ratio: // readability vale (1 - 21, 1:1 to 21:1)
rgbaMixBlack: // color mix result: current color above solid black
    r: // red (0 - 1)
    g: // green (0 - 1)
    b: // blue (0 - 1)
    a: // resulting alpha or opacity value (0 - 1)
    luminance: // luminance of resulting mix (0 - 1)
    WCAG2Ratio: // readability vale (1 - 21, 1:1 to 21:1)
rgbaMixWhite: // color mix result: current color above solid white
    r: // red (0 - 1)
    g: // green (0 - 1)
    b: // blue (0 - 1)
    a: // resulting alpha or opacity value (0 - 1)
    luminance: // luminance of resulting mix (0 - 1)
    WCAG2Ratio: // readability vale (1 - 21, 1:1 to 21:1)

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