neatShow是一款非常实用的jQuery图片淡入淡出加载效果插件。当在图片上应用neatShow插件的时候,它会等到该图片下载完成,立刻以 fade in 的方式将图片显示出来,而不管其它图片是否下载完成。该jquery图片插件可以在图片的各种状态下工作,如图片正在下载、图片下载完成和缓存图片。
$(selector).neatShow({ speed: 800}); // specify fade in speed for images in milliseconds. // If no speed is specified default is 400ms.
$(selector).neatShow({ speed: 'random'}); // each image will fade in at a random speed once downloaded
$(selector).neatShow({ speed: 'random', minSpeed: 400, maxSpeed: 2400}); // you can also specify minimum and maximum fade in speeds for random. // If none are specified the defaults are 400 and 1200
$(selector).neatShow({ mode: 'container'}); // Container Mode will scan through selector's images and // fade in any image inside that container that is hidden.