<link rel="stylesheet" href="jAlert-master/src/jAlert-v3.css"> <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="jAlert-master/src/jAlert-v3.min.js"></script> <script src="jAlert-master/src/jAlert-functions.min.js"></script> <!-- COMPLETELY OPTIONAL -->
// default alert popup alert('Hello World!'); // success successAlert('Success', 'Hello World!'); // error errorAlert('Error', 'Hello World!'); // info infoAlert('Info', 'Hello World!'); // warning warningAlert('Warning', 'Hello World!'); // black warning blackAlert('Warning', 'Hello World!'); // image lightbox imageAlert('1.jpg'); // video lightbox videoAlert('http://youtube.com/...'); // ajax lightbox ajaxAlert('external.html'); // iframe lightbox iframeAlert('http://www.htmleaf.com');
confirm(function(){ console.log('confirmed!'); }, function(){ console.log('denied'); });
$.jAlert({ //this is the normal usage 'title': 'Test', 'content': 'Howdy', 'theme': 'green', 'size': 'xsm' });
$.fn.jAlert.defaults.backgroundColor = 'white'; //override a default setting $.fn.jAlert({ //same as $.jAlert when you're not passing an element - this alert will now have the white background color 'title': 'Test', 'content': 'Howdy', 'theme': 'green', 'size': 'xsm' //'backgroundColor': 'white' //you could also pass it here }); $.fn.jAlert.defaults.backgroundColor = 'black'; //set it back to black
$('.btn').alertOnClick({ //this function attaches an onclick handler to .btn and passes the options to jAlert 'title': 'It worked!', 'content': 'You clicked the button' });
$.alertOnClick('.btn', { //this function attaches an onclick handler to the body for .btn and kicks off jAlert 'title': 'Like magic', 'content': 'You clicked the button that was dynamically added' });
$.jAlert({ //creates a lightbox for the image - responsive and all 'image': 'http://mysite.com/my-image.jpg' });
$.jAlert({ //creates a lightbox for the video - responsive and all 'video': 'http://youtube.com/dflskd' });
$.jAlert({ //creates an alert that fills most of the height with a scrollable iframe 'iframe': 'http://www.htmleaf.com' });
$.jAlert({ //gets content from another file with $.get() 'ajax': 'my-ajax-content.php' });
:默认的图片宽度。默认值max-width: 100%; width: auto;
function(alert, errorThrown){ alert.closeAlert(); errorAlert(errorThrown); }
。弹出窗口的主题。默认值:default。可选值:red, green, blue, black, defaultbackgroundColor
。可选项:white, black。size
。表示默认的css样式尺寸。可选值:xsm, sm, md, lg, xlg, full, { height: 200, width: 200 }。replaceOtherAlerts
'btns': [ {'text':'Open in new window', 'closeAlert':false, 'href': 'https://www.baidu.com', 'target':'_new'}, {'text':'Cool, close this alert', 'theme': 'blue', 'closeAlert':true}, {'text':'Buy Now', 'closeAlert':true, 'theme': 'green', 'onClick': function(){ console.log('You bought it!'); } }, {'text':'I do not want it', 'closeAlert': true, 'theme': 'red', 'onClick': function(){ console.log('Did not want it'); } }, {'text':'DOA', 'closeAlert': true, 'theme': 'black', 'onClick': function(){ console.log('Dead on arrival'); } } ]
,可选值:modal, confirm, tooltip。下面的参数仅在type == 'confirm'
'confirmQuestion': 'Are you sure?', 'confirmBtnText': 'Yes', 'denyBtnText': 'No', 'confirmAutofocus': '.confirmBtn', //confirmBtn or denyBtn 'onConfirm': function(e, btn){ e.preventDefault(); console.log('confirmed'); return false; }, 'onDeny': function(e, btn){ e.preventDefault(); //console.log('denied'); return false; }