jQuery-FAQ-accordian-Slider是一款简单实用的jQuery FAQ手风琴特效。通过它可以制作于用户交互的问答FAQ系统。该特效只是简单的实现平滑过渡的手风琴效果,整个FAQ效果的样式可以通过CSS来完全自定义。
<ul class="faq"> <li class="q"> <img src="img/arrow.png"> Question 1 </li> <li class="a">Answer 1</li> <li class="q"> <img src="img/arrow.png"> Question 2 </li> <li class="a">Answer 2</li> <li class="q"> <img src="img/arrow.png"> Question 3 </li> <li class="a">Answer 3</li> </ul>
.faq li { padding: 20px; } .faq li.q { background: #4FC2E; font-weight: bold; font-size: 120%; border-bottom: 1px #ddd solid; cursor: pointer; } .faq li.a { background: #3BB0D6; display: none; color:#fff; }
.rotate { -moz-transform: rotate(90deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); transform: rotate(90deg); }
// Accordian Action var action = 'click'; var speed = "500"; $(document).ready(function(){ // Question handler $('li.q').on(action, function(){ // gets next element // opens .a of selected question $(this).next().slideToggle(speed) // selects all other answers and slides up any open answer .siblings('li.a').slideUp(); // Grab img from clicked question var img = $(this).children('img'); // remove Rotate class from all images except the active $('img').not(img).removeClass('rotate'); // toggle rotate class img.toggleClass('rotate'); }); });