npm install notie bower install notie
<script src="js/notie.js"></script>
notie.alert(style_number, 'message', time_in_seconds); notie.confirm('Title text', 'Yes button text', 'No button text', yes_callback) notie.input('Title text', 'Submit button text', 'Cancel button text', 'type', 'placeholder', submit_callback, 'Optional pre-filled value');
notie.alert(1, 'Success!', 1.5); notie.alert(2, 'Warning<br><b>with</b><br><i>HTML</i><br><u>included.</u>', 2); notie.alert(3, 'Error.', 2.5); notie.alert(4, 'Information.', 2); notie.confirm('Are you sure you want to do that?', 'Yes', 'Cancel', function() { notie.alert(1, 'Good choice!', 2); }); notie.confirm('Are you sure?', 'Yes', 'Cancel', function() { notie.confirm('Are you <b>really</b> sure?', 'Yes', 'Cancel', function() { notie.confirm('Are you really <b>really</b> sure?', 'Yes', 'Cancel', function() { notie.alert(1, 'Okay, jeez...', 2); }); }); }); notie.input('Please enter your email address:', 'Submit', 'Cancel', 'email', '', function(value_entered) { notie.alert(1, 'You entered: ' + value_entered, 2); }); notie.input('What city do you live in?', 'Submit', 'Cancel', 'text', 'Enter your city:', function(value_entered) { notie.alert(1, 'You entered: ' + value_entered, 2); }, 'New York');
//通用 var shadow = true; var font_size_small = '18px'; var font_size_big = '24px'; var font_change_screen_width = 600; var animation_delay = 0.3; var background_click_dismiss = true; // notie.alert colors var alert_color_success_background = '#57BF57'; var alert_color_warning_background = '#E3B771'; var alert_color_error_background = '#E1715B'; var alert_color_info_background = '#4D82D6'; var alert_color_text = '#FFF'; // notie.confirm colors var confirm_and_input_color_background = '#4D82D6'; var confirm_and_input_color_yes_background = '#57BF57'; var confirm_and_input_color_no_background = '#E1715B'; var confirm_and_input_color_text = '#FFF'; var confirm_and_input_color_yes_text = '#FFF'; var confirm_and_input_color_no_text = '#FFF'; // ID's for use within your own .css file (OPTIONAL) // (Be sure to use !important to override the javascript) // Example: #notie-alert-inner { padding: 30px !important; } var alert_outer_id = 'notie-alert-outer'; var alert_inner_id = 'notie-alert-inner'; var alert_text_id = 'notie-alert-text'; var confirm_outer_id = 'notie-confirm-outer'; var confirm_inner_id = 'notie-confirm-inner'; var confirm_backdrop_id = 'notie-confirm-backdrop'; var confirm_yes_id = 'notie-confirm-yes'; var confirm_no_id = 'notie-confirm-no'; var confirm_text_id = 'notie-confirm-text'; var confirm_yes_text_id = 'notie-confirm-yes-text'; var confirm_no_text_id = 'notie-confirm-no-text'; var input_outer_id = 'notie-input-outer'; var input_inner_id = 'notie-input-inner'; var input_backdrop_id = 'notie-input-backdrop'; var input_div_id = 'notie-input-div'; var input_field_id = 'notie-input-field'; var input_yes_id = 'notie-input-yes'; var input_no_id = 'notie-input-no'; var input_text_id = 'notie-input-text'; var input_yes_text_id = 'notie-input-yes-text'; var input_no_text_id = 'notie-input-no-text';