HTML5 canvas粒子生成人物面部轮廓插件

这是一款使用js制作的html5 canvas粒子生成人物面部轮廓插件。该js插件可以扫描图片中的人物面部阴暗和高亮面,并生成canvas也能够圆点来描绘出脸部轮廓。还可以用鼠标来和粒子进行互动。



// 获取图片
// 通过jquery
var img = $('#hero img')[0];
// 或者纯JS
var img = document.querySelector('#hero img');

// 初始化创建
new BreathingHalftone( img, {
  // options...



<img src="portrait-dots.png" data-src="portrait.jpg" />



// default options
  // ----- dot size ----- //

  dotSize: 1/40,
  // size of dots
  // as a fraction of the diagonal of the image
  // smaller dots = more dots = poorer performance

  dotSizeThreshold: 0.05,
  // hides dots that are smaller than a percentage

  initVelocity: 0.02,
  // speed at which dots initially grow

  oscPeriod: 3,
  // duration in seconds of a cycle of dot size oscilliation or 'breathing'

  oscAmplitude: 0.2
  // percentage of change of oscillation

  // ----- color & layout ----- //

  isAdditive: false,
  // additive is black with RGB dots,
  // subtractive is white with CMK dots

  isRadial: false,
  // enables radial grid layout

  channels: [ 'red', 'green', 'blue' ],
  // layers of dots
  // 'lum' is another supported channel, for luminosity

  isChannelLens: true,
  // disables changing size of dots when displaced

  // ----- behavior ----- //

  friction: 0.06,
  // lower makes dots easier to move, higher makes it harder

  hoverDiameter: 0.3,
  // size of hover effect
  // as a fraction of the diagonal of the image

  hoverForce: -0.02,
  // amount of force of hover effect
  // negative values pull dots in, positive push out

  activeDiameter: 0.6,
  // size of click/tap effect
  // as a fraction of the diagonal of the image

  activeForce: 0.01
  // amount of force of hover effect
  // negative values pull dots in, positive push out



图像必须放在相同域名的服务器上,由于安全原因,跨域名的图片不能再canvas中使用,查看Security with canvas elements

Smaller dots = lots more dots = poorer browser performance.

由于Firefox和IE浏览器不支持合成黑色,所以这些浏览器将使用channels: [ 'lum' ]简单的回退为黑白色。

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