这是一款效果非常炫酷华丽的HTML5 canvas带棱镜效果的幻灯片特效。这个特效在每一个幻灯片的前面放置一个图形,并将图形制作为三棱镜效果,它底下的幻灯片图片会被“折射”到棱镜上面,形成一种棱镜折射效果。该效果中使用HTML5 canvas和纯JS来制作棱镜效果。
这个特效需要多个canvas的原因是W3C 定义每一个canvas中只有一个CanvasRenderingContext2D
<div class="container"> <ul class="navigation"></ul> </div>
来包裹一系列需要使用到的图片和遮罩层svg。然后使用display: none
<div class="cache"> <!-- masks --> <img src="img/masks/cube-a.svg"> <img src="img/masks/cube-b.svg"> <img src="img/masks/cube-c.svg"> <!-- photos --> <img src="img/shoreditch-a.jpg"> <img src="img/shoreditch-b.jpg"> <img src="img/shoreditch-c.jpg"> </div>
.prism-slider { width: 1200px; max-width: 100%; height: 0; padding-bottom: 48%; position: relative; } .prism-slider canvas { width: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; } .navigation { width: 100%; position: absolute; bottom: 5%; text-align: center; list-style: none; z-index: 1; } .navigation li { border: 3px solid #eceff1; width: 18px; height: 18px; margin: 0 5px; background: #52525a; border-radius: 50%; display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; } .navigation .active { background: #eceff1; }
/** * Create canvas element, get context, set sizes * and append to main container. */ PrismSlider.prototype.addCanvas_ = function() { this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); this.canvas.width = this.settings.container.sizes.w; this.canvas.height = this.settings.container.sizes.h; this.container.appendChild(this.canvas); };
/** * Add Mask. * Call loadImage method with path and callback, * once the loading will be completed we'll replace * the string path (this.mask.source) reference with * the actual <img> object. */ PrismSlider.prototype.addMask_ = function() { var path = this.mask.source; var callback = this.renderMask_.bind(this); // Replace image path with <img> object. this.mask.source = this.loadImage_(path, callback); }; /** * Draw mask. * Calculate center position and draw mask, width and height at 100% of the container sizes. */ PrismSlider.prototype.renderMask_ = function() { var centerX = this.canvas.width / 2 - this.settings.container.sizes.w / 2; var centerY = this.canvas.height / 2 - this.settings.container.sizes.h / 2; var w = this.settings.container.sizes.w; var h = this.settings.container.sizes.h; this.context.drawImage(this.mask.source, centerX, centerY, w, h); };
上面的代码中使用了 loadImage
/** * Load image source from path and fire given callback, * return loadedobject. * @param {String} path The path of the file. * @param {Function} callback The callback to be executed when loading completed. * @return {Object} The JavaScript
object. */ PrismSlider.prototype.loadImage_ = function(path, callback) { var image = new Image(); image.onload = callback; // Path always after callback. image.src = path; return image; };
/** * Add Slides. * Call loadImage method for each image path in the slides array, * only when it's the first slide pass render callback, * when loading completed replace image path with object. */ PrismSlider.prototype.addSlides_ = function() { this.slides.forEach(function(path, i) { // Render only first slide. var callback = (i === 0) ? this.renderSlide_.bind(this, i) : null; // Replace image path with object. this.slides[i] = this.loadImage_(path, callback); }, this); };
/** * Draw Slide. * Calculate frame position, apply composite operation * and effects on the image when there is a mask. * @param {Number} i The index used to get the img to render. * @param {Number} progress The progress value. */ PrismSlider.prototype.renderSlide_ = function(i, progress) { // Set progress to 0 if Not a Number or undefined. progress = (isNaN(progress) || progress === undefined) ? 0 : progress; // Get img object from array. var slide = this.slides[i]; // Calculate X position. var x = this.canvas.width * (i - progress); var y = 0; var w = this.canvas.width; var h = this.canvas.height; // Apply composite operation. if (this.mask) this.context.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-atop'; this.context.save(); if (this.mask) this.applyEffects_(); // Draw slide. this.context.drawImage(slide, x, y, w, h); this.context.restore(); };
/** * Enum navigation classes, attributes and * provide navigation DOM element container. */ var navigation = { selector: '.navigation', element: null, bullet: 'li', attrs: { active: 'active', index: 'data-index' } }; /** * Enum main element, sizes and provide * main DOM element container. * @type {Object} */ var container = { selector: '.container', element: null, sizes: { w: 1200, h: 780 } }; /** * Set of images to be used. * @type {Array} */ var slides = [ 'img/shoreditch-a.jpg', 'img/shoreditch-b.jpg', 'img/shoreditch-c.jpg', 'img/graffiti-a.jpg', 'img/graffiti-b.jpg', 'img/graffiti-c.jpg' ]; /** * Set of masks with related effects. * @type {Array} */ var masks = [ { source: 'img/masks/cube-a.svg', effects: { flip: 'Y', rotate: 167 // degrees } }, { source: 'img/masks/cube-b.svg', effects: { flip: 'X', rotate: 90 // degrees } }, { source: 'img/masks/cube-c.svg', effects: { flip: false, rotate: 13 // degrees } } ]; /** * Set global easing. * @type {Function(currentTime)} */ var easing = Easing.easeInOutQuint; /** * Set global duration. * @type {Number} */ var duration = 2000; /** * Container for PrismSlider instances. * @type {Object} */ var instances = {};
/** * Init. */ function init() { getContainer_(); initSlider_(); initPrism_(); addNavigation_(); addEvents_(); } /** * Get main container element, and store in container element. */ function getContainer_() { container.element = document.querySelector(container.selector); } /** * Init Slides. * Create and initialise main background slider (first layer). * Since we'll use this as main slider no mask is given. */ function initSlider_() { instances.slider = new PrismSlider({ container: container, slides: slides, mask: false, duration: duration, easing: easing }); // Initialise instance. instances.slider.init(); } /** * Init Masks. * Loop masks variable and create a new layer for each mask object. */ function initPrism_() { masks.forEach(function(mask, i) { // Generate reference name. var name = 'mask_' + i; instances[name] = new PrismSlider({ container: container, slides: slides, mask: mask, // Here is the mask object. duration: duration, easing: easing }); // Initialise instance. instances[name].init(); }); } /** * Add Navigation. * Create a new bullet for each slide and add it to navigation (ul) * with data-index reference. */ function addNavigation_() { // Store navigation element. navigation.element = document.querySelector(navigation.selector); slides.forEach(function(slide, i) { var bullet = document.createElement(navigation.bullet); bullet.setAttribute(navigation.attrs.index, i); // When it's first bullet set class as active. if (i === 0) bullet.className = navigation.attrs.active; navigation.element.appendChild(bullet); }); } /** * Add Events. * Bind click on bullets. */ function addEvents_() { ... }
/** * Add Events. * Bind click on bullets. */ function addEvents_() { // Detect click on navigation elment (ul). navigation.element.addEventListener('click', function(e) { // Get clicked element. var bullet = e.target; // Detect if the clicked element is actually a bullet (li). var isBullet = bullet.nodeName === navigation.bullet.toUpperCase(); // Check bullet and prevent action if animation is in progress. if (isBullet && !instances.slider.isAnimated) { // Remove active class from all bullets. for (var i = 0; i < navigation.element.childNodes.length; i++) { navigation.element.childNodes[i].className = ''; } // Add active class to clicked bullet. bullet.className = navigation.attrs.active; // Get index from data attribute and convert string to number. var index = Number(bullet.getAttribute(navigation.attrs.index)); // Call slideAllTo method with index. slideAllTo_(index); } }); } /** * Call slideTo method of each instance. * In order to sync sliding of all layers we'll loop through the * instances object and call the slideTo method for each instance. * @param {Number} index The index of the destination slide. */ function slideAllTo_(index) { // Loop PrismSlider instances. for (var key in instances) { if (instances.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // Call slideTo for current instance. instances[key].slideTo(index); } } }
/** * Slide To. * @param {Number} index The destination slide index. */ PrismSlider.prototype.slideTo = function(index) { // Prevent when animation is in progress or if same bullet is clicked. if (this.isAnimated || index === this.slidesIndex) return; // Store current (start) index. this.prevSlidesIndex = this.slidesIndex; // Set destination (end) index. this.slidesIndex = index; // Calculate how many slides between current (start) and destination (end). var indexOffset = (this.prevSlidesIndex - this.slidesIndex) * -1; // Store offset always converted to positive number. this.indexOffset = (indexOffset > 0) ? indexOffset : indexOffset * -1; // Kickstart animation. this.animate_(); };
/** * Animate. */ PrismSlider.prototype.animate_ = function() { // Calculate end time. var end = Date.now() + this.duration; // Mark animation as in progress. this.isAnimated = true; // Kickstart frames ticker. this.ticker_(end); }; /** * Ticker called for each frame of the animation. * @param {Number} end The end time of the animation. */ PrismSlider.prototype.ticker_ = function(end) { // Start time. var now = Date.now(); // Update time left in the animation. var remaining = end - now; // Retrieve easing and multiply for number of slides between stars // and end, in order to jump through N slides in one ease. var easing = this.easing(remaining / this.duration) * this.indexOffset; var i, progress, slide; // Select sliding direction. if (this.slidesIndex > this.prevSlidesIndex) { // Sliding forward. progress = this.slidesIndex - easing; // Loop offset and render slides from start to end. for (i = 0; i <= this.indexOffset; i++) { slide = this.slidesIndex - i; this.renderSlide_(slide, progress); } } else { // Sliding backward. progress = this.slidesIndex + easing; // Loop offset and render slides from start to end. for (i = 0; i >= this.indexOffset; i++) { slide = this.slidesIndex + i; this.renderSlide_(slide, progress); } } // Under 50 milliseconds reset and stop. if (remaining < 50) { // Set default value. this.indexOffset = 1; // Make sure slide is perfectly aligned. this.renderSlide_(this.slidesIndex); // Mark animation as finished. this.isAnimated = false; // Stop. return; } // Kickstart rAF with updated end. window.requestAnimationFrame(this.ticker_.bind(this, end)); };