Hullabaloo.js是一款基于Bootstrap 4 仿Mac Growl样式toast消息框插件。该jquery插件可以制作出类似Mac系统的toast消息框,并且使用简单。它的特点还有:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/font-awesome.min.css"> <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="js/hullabaloo.js"></script>
<button class="btn btn-info m-2" onclick="$.hulla.send('这是一则信息', 'info')">Info</button>
在页面DOM元素加载完毕之后,通过new hullabaloo()
var hulla = new hullabaloo();
hulla.send("Success Message", "success"); hulla.send("Info Message", "info"); hulla.send("Warning Message", "warning"); hulla.send('Danger Message', 'danger') hulla.send('Light Theme', 'light') hulla.send('Dark Theme', 'dark')
Hullabaloo.js 基于Bootstrap 4 仿Mac Growl样式toast消息框插件可用的配置参数有:
var hulla = new hullabaloo({ // where to append the notifications ele: "body", // offset offset: { from: "top", amount: 20 }, // or 'center', 'left' align: "right", // width width: 250, // for auto dismiss delay: 5000, allow_dismiss: true, // space between notification boxes stackup_spacing: 10, // notification message here text: "Notification Message Here", // Font Awesome icon icon: "times-circle", // styles status: "danger", // additional CSS classes alertClass: "", // callback functions fnStart: false, fnEnd: false, fnEndHide: false, });
Hullabaloo.js 基于Bootstrap 4 仿Mac Growl样式toast消息框插件的github地址为: