这是一款HTML5 canvas擦抹模糊玻璃特效。该特效类似橡皮擦特效,当鼠标在屏幕上涂抹时,原本模糊的地方会变成清晰的图片。
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/normalize.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"> <script src="js/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div class="canvas-bg-image"> <div></div> </div>
// defining variables // c and h are canvases, f and b are contexts let c, h, f, b, img, mouseX = null, mouseY = null, array = [], startTime = 0, over500msElapsed = true $("body").mousemove((e) => { mouseX = e.clientX mouseY = e.clientY startTime = Date.now() over500msElapsed || onImageLoad() }) // handle mouse leaving window (set null) or resize (rebuild canvases) $(window) .on("blur mouseout", function() { mouseX = mouseY = null }).on("resize", function() { c && c.parentNode && c.parentNode.removeChild(c) setUpCanvases() }) setUpCanvases() function setUpCanvases() { const bodyWidth = $("body").width() const bodyHeight = $("body").height() c = document.createElement("canvas") c.width = bodyWidth c.height = bodyHeight c.style.position = "absolute" c.style.top = 0 c.style.left = 0 $("body").append(c) h = document.createElement("canvas") h.width = bodyWidth h.height = bodyHeight // set up contexts if (c.getContext && c.getContext("2d") && (f = c.getContext("2d"), b = h.getContext("2d"), b.lineCap = "round", b.shadowColor = "#000", !img)) { // loads image (never added to DOM) so that it can be added to canvas (browser only needs to download it once) img = new Image // add listener before setting source so it will definitely capture the event $(img).one("load", onImageLoad) $(img).attr("src", "https://static.canva.com/static/images/bg_tiles_color.2.jpg") } } function onImageLoad() { let currentTime = Date.now() over500msElapsed = currentTime > startTime + 500 ? false : true // push to start of array mouseX && over500msElapsed && array.unshift({ time: currentTime, x: mouseX, y: mouseY + $("body").scrollTop() }) // trims array - removes all items older than 1s for (let i = 0; i < array.length;="" i++)="" {="" if="" (currenttime="" -="" array[i].time=""> 1000) { array.length = i } } if (array.length > 0) { requestAnimationFrame(onImageLoad) } // clear canvas2 by its own width and height b.clearRect(0, 0, h.width, h.height) // loop through each item in array for (i = 1; i < array.length;="" i++)="" {="" const="" thisitem="array[i]" const="" lastitem="array[i" -="" 1]="" fading="" stroke="" over="" time="" const="" lineopacity="Math.max(1" -="" (currenttime="" -="" thisitem.time)="" 1000,="" 0)="" b.strokestyle="`rgba(0,0,0,${lineOpacity})`" b.linewidth="80" b.beginpath()="" b.moveto(lastitem.x,="" lastitem.y)="" b.lineto(thisitem.x,="" thisitem.y)="" b.stroke()="" }="" adjusting="" for="" canvas="" ratio="" let="" imageratio1="c.width" let="" imageratio2="c.width" img.naturalwidth="" *="" img.naturalheight="" imageratio2="">< c.height="" &&="" (imageratio2="c.height," imageratio1="c.height" img.naturalheight="" *="" img.naturalwidth)="" drawing="" the="" images="" draw="" image="" onto="" f="" f.drawimage(img,="" 0,="" 0,="" imageratio1,="" imageratio2)="" set="" "destination-in"="" temporarily:="" when="" f="" and="" h="" overlap,="" f="" is="" kept="" (h="" acts="" as="" a="" mask="" for="" the="" image)="" f.globalcompositeoperation="destination-in" add="" h="" as="" mask="" f.drawimage(h,="" 0,="" 0)="" reset="" to="" normal="" composite="" operation="" f.globalcompositeoperation="source-over" }="">
该HTML5 canvas擦抹模糊玻璃特效插件的codepen网址为:https://codepen.io/samwooly/pen/qpeaNL