<script src="/path/to/jquery.js"></script> <script src="/path/to/starlight.js"></script>
<body class="starlight"> content here </body>
var user_configuration={ // "circle" or "square" shape:"circle", // star size in pixels initial_size:"12px", // final size of the stars after expansion final_size:"64px", // how fast the stars get bigger, in milliseconds expand_speed:"1s", // how long until the star fades out fade_delay:"0.5s", // how long the star fades for fade_duration:"0.5s", // The variety of colors of the stars. Can be any CSS complient color (eg. HEX, rgba, hsl) colors:["hsla(62, 50%,50%, 0.5)", "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)","hsla(180, 72%, 52%, 0.5)"], // how often a new wave of stars pop-out (in milliseconds. Bigger==longer) frequency:100, // how many stars pop out per wave density: 1, // whether the stars disappear after they are created keep_lit: false, // whether the stars rotate through out their expansion rotation: true, // how much of the element's area the stars will show up in (0-1) coverage:1, // the elements the script will target based on the class name target_class:'.starlight' };